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Rs. 356.00

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Manufacturer : INDIAN HERBS

Product Description Withamlajit capsule with selective natural herbal ingredients has antioxidant properties and strengthens our body’s internal defense mechanism, the immune system, thereby protects us from everyday stress and helps to maintain good general health and performance. Withamlajit optimizes the anti-oxidant profile of our body, help in scavenging of excess free radicals and limits the effects of stress and ageing. Withamlajit Capsule increases the adaptability of the body against stress, besides alleviating stress and minimizing its after effects Performance Enhancer: Withamlajit enables professionals, executives and businessmen to better concentrate on their work and perform more effectively. Withamlajit brings about improvement in endurance and optimizes the fitness and performance of sportsmen and athletes along with higher tolerance to exercise and fatigue.
Indication General debility, Metabolic Syndrome, physical & mental fatigue. As a daily health supplement to cope with life’s daily stress.
Composition  Extract Withania ashwagandha, Extract Emblica officinalis, Extract ocimum sanctum, Purified Shilajit extract.
Features Protects from everyday stress Helps to maintain good general health and performance Increases the adaptability of the body against stress Optimizes the anti-oxidant profile of body & limits the effects of stress and ageing
Dosage One capsule once or twice daily.
Packaging BOTTLE

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