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Rs. 275.00

Qty : - 1 +

Gender : UniSex

Manufacturer : SBL

Product Description Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most sensitive problem in man’s sexual life. ED affects the lives of many middle-aged and young men and their partners to one degree or another. Factors which can cause ED are diabetes, kidney disease, neurological disease, heart disease, vascular problems, surgery & trauma of prostate, bladder, spinal cord & pelvis, chronic alcoholism, smoking, obesity, avoiding exercise, drugs such as antihypertensive, antihistamines, antidepressants & tranquilizers. Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, low self-esteem and fear of sexual failure also play important role. Damiagra, a new product of SBL, is a combination of well known medicines of homoeopathic therapeutics, takes care of erectile dysfunction.
Indication Loss of erectile power, premature ejaculation, lack of libido, depression, loss of self confidence.
Composition Damiana Q, Yohimbinum Q, Acid phosphoricum 3x, Lycopodium 3x, Agnus castus Q, Caladium seguinum 3, Selenium 6
Dosage 15-20 drops in 1/4 cup of water 3-4 times daily
Packaging BOTTLE

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